Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
create_farming_pool | 3600 | 8 | |
charge | 3601 | 2 | |
deposit | 3602 | 3 | |
withdraw | 3603 | 2 | |
claim | 3604 | 1 | |
withdraw_claim | 3605 | 1 | |
close_pool | 3606 | 1 | |
set_retire_limit | 3607 | 1 | |
retire_pool | 3608 | 1 | |
reset_pool | 3609 | 8 | |
kill_pool | 360a | 1 | |
edit_pool | 360b | 6 | |
gauge_withdraw | 360c | 1 | |
force_gauge_claim | 360d | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
FarmingPoolCreated | 3600 | ["PoolId"] | |
FarmingPoolReset | 3601 | ["PoolId"] | |
FarmingPoolClosed | 3602 | ["PoolId"] | |
FarmingPoolKilled | 3603 | ["PoolId"] | |
FarmingPoolEdited | 3604 | ["PoolId"] | |
Charged | 3605 | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId","Vec<(CurrencyIdOf, BalanceOf)>"] | |
Deposited | 3606 | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId","BalanceOf","Option<(BalanceOf, BlockNumberFor)>"] | |
Withdrawn | 3607 | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId","Option<BalanceOf>"] | |
Claimed | 3608 | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId"] | |
WithdrawClaimed | 3609 | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId"] | |
GaugeWithdrawn | 360a | ["AccountIdOf","PoolId"] | |
AllForceGaugeClaimed | 360b | ["PoolId"] | |
PartiallyForceGaugeClaimed | 360c | ["PoolId"] | |
AllRetired | 360d | ["PoolId"] | |
PartiallyRetired | 360e | ["PoolId"] | |
RetireLimitSet | 360f | ["u32"] |
Name | Type | |
PoolNextId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
GaugePoolNextId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
RetireLimit | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
PoolInfos | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"pallet_farming:rewards:PoolInfo","keys_id":6,"value_id":514}} | |
GaugePoolInfos | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"pallet_farming:gauge:GaugePoolInfo","keys_id":6,"value_id":521}} | |
GaugeInfos | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_farming:gauge:GaugeInfo","keys_id":483,"value_id":527}} | |
SharesAndWithdrawnRewards | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_farming:rewards:ShareInfo","keys_id":483,"value_id":528}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
TreasuryAccount | AccountId | 6d6f646c70792f74727372790000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | |
Keeper | [U8; 8] | 6d742f666d6b7072 | |
RewardIssuer | [U8; 8] | 6d742f666d726972 |
Name | Docs |
InvalidPoolParameter | Pool parameter is invalid |
PoolDoesNotExist | Pool not exist |
GaugePoolNotExist | Gauge pool not exist |
GaugeInfoNotExist | Gauge info not exist |
ShareInfoNotExists | Share info is not exist |
InvalidPoolState | Pool state is invalid |
LastGaugeNotClaim | Can not claim gauge |
CanNotClaim | claim_limit_time exceeded |
GaugeMaxBlockOverflow | gauge pool max_block exceeded |
WithdrawLimitCountExceeded | withdraw_limit_time exceeded |
CanNotDeposit | Can not deposit to pool yet |
RetireLimitNotSet | The retire limit number is not set |