Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
set_fee_receiver | 3300 | 1 | |
set_fee_point | 3301 | 1 | |
transfer | 3302 | 3 | |
create_pair | 3303 | 2 | |
add_liquidity | 3304 | 7 | |
remove_liquidity | 3305 | 7 | |
swap_exact_assets_for_assets | 3306 | 5 | |
swap_assets_for_exact_assets | 3307 | 5 | |
bootstrap_create | 3308 | 9 | |
bootstrap_contribute | 3309 | 5 | |
bootstrap_claim | 330a | 4 | |
bootstrap_end | 330b | 2 | |
bootstrap_update | 330c | 9 | |
bootstrap_refund | 330d | 2 | |
bootstrap_charge_reward | 330e | 3 | |
bootstrap_withdraw_reward | 330f | 3 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Transferred | 3300 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AccountId","AssetBalance"] | |
Burned | 3301 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AssetBalance"] | |
Minted | 3302 | ["AssetId","AccountId","AssetBalance"] | |
PairCreated | 3303 | ["AssetId","AssetId"] | |
LiquidityAdded | 3304 | ["AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance"] | |
LiquidityRemoved | 3305 | ["AccountId","AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance"] | |
AssetSwap | 3306 | ["AccountId","AccountId","Vec<AssetId>","Vec<AssetBalance>"] | |
TransferredToParachain | 3307 | ["AssetId","AccountId","ParaId","AccountId","AssetBalance","u64"] | |
BootstrapContribute | 3308 | ["AccountId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetId","AssetBalance"] | |
BootstrapEnd | 3309 | ["AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance"] | |
BootstrapCreated | 330a | ["AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","BlockNumberFor"] | |
BootstrapClaim | 330b | ["AccountId","AccountId","AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance"] | |
BootstrapUpdate | 330c | ["AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","AssetBalance","BlockNumberFor"] | |
BootstrapRefund | 330d | ["AccountId","AccountId","AssetId","AssetId","AssetBalance","AssetBalance"] | |
DistributeReward | 330e | ["AssetId","AssetId","AccountId","Vec<(AssetId, AssetBalance)>"] | |
ChargeReward | 330f | ["AssetId","AssetId","AccountId","Vec<(AssetId, AssetBalance)>"] | |
WithdrawReward | 3310 | ["AssetId","AssetId","AccountId"] |
Name | Type | |
ForeignLedger | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","AccountId"],"value":"U128","keys_id":502,"value_id":6}} | |
ForeignMeta | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"U128","keys_id":140,"value_id":6}} | |
ForeignList | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId>","PlainTypeValue":141} | |
KLast | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"U256","keys_id":503,"value_id":504}} | |
FeeMeta | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Tuple:option<AccountId>U8","PlainTypeValue":506} | |
LiquidityPairs | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"option<zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId>","keys_id":503,"value_id":507}} | |
PairStatuses | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"zenlink_protocol:primitives:PairStatus","keys_id":503,"value_id":508}} | |
BootstrapPersonalSupply | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["Tuple:zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetIdzenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","AccountId"],"value":"Tuple:U128U128","keys_id":511,"value_id":147}} | |
BootstrapEndStatus | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"zenlink_protocol:primitives:PairStatus","keys_id":503,"value_id":508}} | |
BootstrapRewards | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetIdU128>","keys_id":503,"value_id":512}} | |
BootstrapLimits | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId","zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetId"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:zenlink_protocol:primitives:AssetIdU128>","keys_id":503,"value_id":512}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
PalletId | [U8; 8] | 2f7a656e6c696e6b |
Name | Docs |
RequireProtocolAdmin | Require the admin who can reset the admin and receiver of the protocol fee. |
RequireProtocolAdminCandidate | Require the admin candidate who can become new admin after confirm. |
InvalidFeePoint | Invalid fee_point |
UnsupportedAssetType | Unsupported AssetId by this ZenlinkProtocol Version. |
InsufficientAssetBalance | Account balance must be greater than or equal to the transfer amount. |
NativeBalanceTooLow | Account native currency balance must be greater than ExistentialDeposit. |
DeniedCreatePair | Trading pair can't be created. |
PairAlreadyExists | Trading pair already exists. |
PairNotExists | Trading pair does not exist. |
AssetNotExists | Asset does not exist. |
InsufficientLiquidity | Liquidity is not enough. |
InsufficientPairReserve | Trading pair does have enough foreign. |
InsufficientTargetAmount | Get target amount is less than exception. |
ExcessiveSoldAmount | Sold amount is more than exception. |
InvalidPath | Can't find pair though trading path. |
IncorrectAssetAmountRange | Incorrect foreign amount range. |
Overflow | Overflow. |
Deadline | Transaction block number is larger than the end block number. |
AccountIdBadLocation | Location given was invalid or unsupported. |
ExecutionFailed | XCM execution failed. |
DeniedTransferToSelf | Transfer to self by XCM message. |
TargetChainNotRegistered | Not in ZenlinkRegistedParaChains. |
InvariantCheckFailed | Can't pass the K value check |
PairCreateForbidden | Created pair can't create now |
NotInBootstrap | Pair is not in bootstrap |
InvalidContributionAmount | Amount of contribution is invalid. |
UnqualifiedBootstrap | Amount of contribution is invalid. |
ZeroContribute | Zero contribute in bootstrap |
DenyRefund | Bootstrap deny refund |
DisableBootstrap | Bootstrap is disable |
NotQualifiedAccount | Not eligible to contribute |
NoRewardTokens | Reward of bootstrap is not set. |
ChargeRewardParamsError | Charge bootstrap extrinsic args has error, |
ExistRewardsInBootstrap | Exist some reward in bootstrap, |